#hants @ irc.lug.org.uk stats by Jon Masters

Statistics generated on Sunday 8 January 2006 - 7:24:09
During this 129-day reporting period, a total of 790 different nicks were represented on #hants.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Random quote
1 thomas_adam22943"blueGremlin: Gluten-free. Poor thing."
2 editorgal17948"first debian I used was Hamm"
3 blueGremlin12786"delphi: Good question - would you rather that, than no space?"
4 popey12282"Wyvern, can you whereis tcl.h ?"
5 Dee8516"after all,im the "idiot user who doesn't know better" :o)"
6 hugo7995"Mine used to run on wind-up, until the winder broke off."
7 billp7592"Can someone give me a little bit of scripting ADVICE?"
8 MonkeyBoy7354"we may be being paid to put globus into gentoo and the debian"
9 the_cre8or7228"one witht e worst security EVER"
10 Nickw6368"But it has the M X XL stuff there as well"
11 Rickeh5874"now funny you should mention that.."
12 CieD5669"I'm attempting to get it now.. but it's so slooow"
13 jayell5526"tis now all stowed in the Volvo's bbot"
14 Wicket5444"* Wicket rubs up against thomas_adam"
15 tonytiger3273"sit in a big bunch of socially inept prats"
16 glen2909"I'll write it up in the WiKi tomorow."
17 bob-lad2741"its modern for modern computers"
18 Mauve2667"It continued to charge for about 2 minutes"
19 hugo-work2098"based on the kernel's concept of how important the task is."
20 bob_lad2076"he'll be here for a while, i'm sure :)"
21 popeywork1989"CieD: am pooped tonight, mind if i pop over tomorrow.."
22 editorgal_at-wk1987"english keybd prob just works"
23 silentk1893"hugo-work what is the minimal I need to update with yum ?"
24 Wyvern1810"a large number mispelt versions of the essid too!"
25 aptanet1796"never needed to work with them myself"

These didn't make it to the top:
bob-lappy (1765) jcdutton (1570) MikeH (1457) splashtech (1450) tony-work (1372)
Sparky^ (1303) sol (1294) billp_ (1232) Antony (1168) rphwrk (1088)
theneb (1072) dgr (1064) gdb (1043) MrFridge (1025) workGremlin (1025)
delphi (948) rjd (855) delphi-work (832) richard (785) Rickeh-II (774)
lwicks (730) dan (668) blueGarden (657) Jezster (638) n6tadam (616)
MonkeyBoy-Uni (602) Zoe (580) winfreeprizes (502) MB_AFK (494) philc (476)

By the way, there were 735 other nicks.

Big numbers
Is jcdutton stupid or just asking too many questions? 25.6% lines contained a question!
kabads didn't know that much either. 25.4% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was sp, who yelled 25.7% of the time!
Another old yeller was Zoe, who shouted 22.2% of the time!
It seems that Kiry's shift-key is hanging: 4.2% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <Kiry> YOU FILK?????????

kis just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 3.4% of the time.
Wicket is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 19 times.
For example, like this:
     * Wicket slaps sol with a trout

thomas_adam can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 16 times.
Poor blueGremlin, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 9 times.
For example, like this:
     * bob-lad slaps blueGremlin in a mad german dancer type way

winfreeprizes seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 9 times.
Nuk brings happiness to the world. 25.2% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Rich isn't a sad person either, smiling 23.3% of the time.
delphi-home seems to be sad at the moment: 8.5% lines contained sad faces. :(
tib|lappy is also a sad person, crying 6.6% of the time.
rjd wrote the longest lines, averaging 64.2 letters per line.
#hants average was 33.5 letters per line.
seanJOHN wrote the shortest lines, averaging 12.1 characters per line.
sol was tight-lipped, too, averaging 15.6 characters.
editorgal spoke a total of 137200 words!
editorgal's faithful follower, thomas_adam, didn't speak so much: 112445 words.
x_ebola wrote an average of 127.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.36 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 about 3535 billp
2 there 3303 editorgal
3 think 2812 billp
4 would 2395 billp
5 which 1878 Mauve
6 should 1809 billp
7 really 1804 Mauve
8 could 1603 billp
9 people 1586 billp
10 still 1580 billp

Most referenced nick
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 all 4999 billp
2 thomas_adam 2549 editorgal
3 popey 2126 the_cre8or
4 editorgal 1877 billp
5 blueGremlin 1732 thomas_adam

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://www.mirror.ac.uk 19 delphi-work
2 http://www.google.com 19 thomas_adam
3 ftp://ftp.nerim.net 11 thomas_adam
4 http://www.digitalrefraction.com/ 10 billp
5 ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ 7 hugo

Other interesting numbers
Sonic wasn't very popular, getting kicked 18 times!
For example, like this:
     *** Sonic was kicked by ChanServ

MonkeyBoy seemed to be hated too: 16 kicks were received.
ChanServ is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 140 people!
ChanServ's faithful follower, thomas_adam, kicked about 137 people.
Strange, no op was given on #hants!
Wow, no op was taken on #hants!
Wicket always lets us know what he/she's doing: 5444 actions!
For example, like this:
     * Wicket rubs up against thomas_adam

Also, blueGremlin tells us what's up with 1881 actions.
thomas_adam talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 106 times!
Another lonely one was editorgal, who managed to hit 92 times.
seanJOHN has quite a potty mouth. 15.4% words were foul language.
Nick also makes sailors blush, 2.5% of the time.

Latest Topics
`Welcome to the Hampshire Linux Users Group: http://www.hantslug.org.uk | Stats Page: http://www.hantslug.org.uk/~rph/hants.html | Chat? Try: #hants-chat | Register your nickname | Next Meeting: 7th August, Soton Uni, Bring-a-Box & AGM | Don't feed the trolls | Debian Sarge now frozen. ` by thomas_adam on 02:36
`Welcome to the Hampshire Linux Users Group: http://www.hantslug.org.uk | Stats Page: http://www.hantslug.org.uk/~rph/hants.html | Chat? Try: #hants-chat | Register your nickname | Next Meeting: 7th August, Soton Uni, Bring-a-Box & AGM | Don't feed the trolls | Debian Sarge now on freeze for standards and b` by thomas_adam on 02:36
`Welcome to the Hampshire Linux Users Group: http://www.hantslug.org.uk | Stats Page: http://www.hantslug.org.uk/~rph/hants.html | Chat? Try: #hants-chat | Register your nickname | Next Meeting: 7th August, Soton Uni, Bring-a-Box & AGM | Don't feed the trolls` by hugo on 20:11
The topic was set 48 times.
Total number of lines: 223704.

Stats generated by pisg v0.52
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 46 seconds