United 93

June 10th, 2006

So, I went to see the first in a series of movies coming out this summer that they made about the 9/11 attacks. Initially, I was opposed to the idea of making movies about the attacks, but it was inevitable that they would and curiousity got the better of me. I was glad that I did because this was very well put together and helped to put the events into perspective. If you’re got over 4000 planes over the US on a September morning, it takes a lot of work to figure out when you’re under a co-ordinated attack and track down the bad guys. They didn’t have enough time or resources to do this properly – and I doubt they do now (since it’s not glamerous enough in the “war on terror”).

“United 93″ is more of a documentary than an action movie and wasn’t over dramaticized either, which is a good thing. In fact, it was a very good movie, though it did seem to be based purely on the official 9/11 report – I guess that’s better than sticking in a few conspiracy theories or something. The movie shows how these Islamic extremists took over various planes and the FAA response to each of the hijackings, obviously with a focus on United 93 (the only plane to miss its target). The heart wrenching bits are how well the movie portrays the people caught up in the hijackings as just ordinary people trying to get home/to work/wherever. The people on those planes weren’t making US foreign policy or trying to alter the lives of those who blew them up, they were purely innocent bystanders that served as an easy target. That’s what makes it all the more shocking.

As I watched the movie, I reminded myself how damaging religion can be in the world today. I’m aware that religion helps many people get through their lives, but the fact remains that you’re very unlikely to see atheists going around blowing up planes and crashing them into buildings. Only someone who believes in an eternal reward for their actions is going to consider doing something like that. Too much fighting takes place around the world every day for extremely stupid reasons.



June 8th, 2006

So I have a few invites kicking around for friends to join the hoardes on mugshot. If you’re interested in checking it out, drop me an email and I’ll hook you up.

Give it chance. It’s a new service, there are kinks to iron out and the UI is still under development. I am so far finding it pretty useful as a way of bouncing links around with friends and colleagues, though the ppc build that I did isn’t all too stable yet (we think it’s actually something else on this rawhide laptop that is unstable…). My nick on mugshot is jcm@myredhaberdasher.com (I hope that’s obvious enough for a human non-spambot to figure out).


World Cup – I’m in two minds about it

June 7th, 2006

Addendum: I’ve changed “UK” to “England” in two places here, because commentors are right that I’m talking about the England entry into the World Cup. My points however were more generic than simply the England football team.

I’m not finally decided on my views on this year’s World Cup. I think my views on football (soccer) itself are pretty clear – that in the UK it’s largely polluted by a contingent of troublemakers who travel around and give this country the bad name that it’s earned around the world as a result (actually in very specific parts of Europe where these people go for their troublemaking). It’s a game that fuels the supermarket tabloids and generally doesn’t do it for me at all. However, I’m in two minds about the cup. Here’s the conflicting thought process:

  • Part of me would love for the England team to lose as quickly as possible. This would reduce the number of nutticisms going on all around me, calm the flag waving nuts just a little and bring back some variety to TV programming over the coming weeks. But it probably would do nothing to stop endless debate about small bones in the human foot.
  • Part of me would love for the England team to go all the way and win. This would keep football supporters occupied elsewhere and reduce the chances that I’ll see so many going on drunken binge trips to mainland Europe on the weekend. Winning this time around would remove the interest in football during the 1960s and perhaps bring a sense of reality to many people.

If only people were as interested in world politics as they are in the tiny bones in some pointless footballer’s pointless foot. Just think what would happen if “The Sun”, “The Daily Sport” or one of these other disturbingly pointless newspapers would devote some time to serious issues on that backpage real estate. Just think what would happen if Sky weren’t so sexist in their advertising (“here’s the crap that’s left while the boys are out watching the football” – see their advertisements for more examples). Oh, what a place the UK could be without the “footie”.

There. I dislike football. But you knew that already.


America, Fuck Yeah!

June 6th, 2006

Currently listening to: Team America – World Police (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) – America, Fuck Yeah!

I like this track enough to have spent two hours the other evening in reconfiguring/building SharpMusique, DeDRMS and various other tools to allow me to actually play the track that I had bought on my Linux workstation, before figuring they had actually rebroken their DRM in iTunes 6.blah. No, it wasn’t my machines. Finally, after I’d played spot the latest Apple annoyance, I just got pissed off with iTunes broken skippy, poppy audio functionality under CrossOver and decided to buy the album mail order instead. Well done, Apple, you’ve made your DRM – Digital anal-probing Rights Munching – so absolutely crap I’d rather just buy CDs that I can encode and actually play back somewhere…

Remind me, aren’t we in the 21st century? We were supposed to have flying cars by now and world happiness, but instead we can’t even play music we’ve paid for. I guess it’s just a shame we’re not products of the Canadian schooling system or we’d have been brainwashed by the RIAA from an early age to just accept a world without music. Just think, we live in a world where Russia will have a tough time joining the WTO because it plays host nation to an mp3 filesharing website – let’s just remember who’s really running the show. Now go pay the RIAA for those unpure thoughts and the oxygen you’ve used while you’ve read this. Oh to have a few billion dollars and infinate time to bankrupt repressive arseholes everywhere.


A weekend in Prague

June 5th, 2006

I spent the weekend in Prague, hanging out with some friends from work. This was my first visit to the Czech Republic and I was very impressed – certainly, Prague is very different from what I had expected in my slightly naive post-cold war vision of parts of Eastern Europe. In fact, it was a very cool weekend indeed.

I arrived on Saturday morning on the 06:35 KLM flight out of London into Amsterdam and then caught a (09:something) connection out to Prague with CSA (Czech Airlines). I didn’t bother with sleep on Friday but just ran on coffee instead – got more work done too. We spent the day on Saturday wondering around the town, occasionally stopping for food. During the course of the day, we climbed a tower in one of the old churches (hundreds of steps, no handrail, traffic in both directions) and got an excellent view of the city. We had food in a nice little restaurant for around $10 and took an elevator to the top of the TV tower (ugly building, but the tallest in town and you can’t see it from inside itself) for a night time view.

After an excellent night’s sleep in a nice little hotel near downtown, we headed out for breakfast (eggs, coffee, fat and greese on a plate just like I wanted) and then took a tour of the Jewish Ghetto area of town with a tour guide who turns out to be studying Jewish immigration into the US in history. I don’t know a lot about the Jewish faith beyond what I’ve briefly read, so I enjoyed donning a kippa and wondering around various museums and even a cemetary. Most shocking of all was seeing the lists of the many thousands who were murdered by Nazis painted onto the walls of one of the museums we went to. They’d repainted the walls following the flooding in 2002 which had basically destroyed the innards of buildings in parts of the old city – they now have portable flood barriers that can be mounted in re-inforced mountings fixed into the ground throughout town.

I’ll upload photos from my cellphone camera later (I left my digital camera at home) but suffice it to say that there’s a lot to look at in Prague. It’s a cool place and I look forward to visiting my friends there again, perhaps over the summer.

My usual Heathrow rant

When I arrived at Heathrow for my outbound flight, I was again asked to go through a millimeter wavescanner device (imaging systems that store “naked” images of you for indeterminate periods of time in giant government databases you have no access to – that’s what I’m opposed to, the lack of regulation of these hysterical “teworwists are everywhere” people, not very short term image scanning per se.). I again refused, since I’m a British citizen, was in the UK, and they can’t legally force me to go through one of those (yet). This time, I was very firm and quite vocal in front of other passengers (but civil and complicent with legal requirements) and immediately showed them membership cards from several human rights organisations. This time, I wasn’t given a degrading experience. So, that’s how to handle them.

Heathrow was as annoying as usual on the return with the typical delays I have come to expect going from one terminal to another to finally reach a bus that would take me home. At the bus station, the lines were again confusing and I decided to explain this to one of the staff but alas, my words fell on deaf ears. Apparently, the only people who use this bus are regular passengers, so it’s entirely ok to have missleading signage that’s confusing to visitors – despite the fact that I witnessed a bunch of people getting confused first hand. Typically British.


Marriage should be “in the hands of the people” – Bush

June 5th, 2006

So George Bush says that Gay Marriage undermines families and that decisions about whether to allow it should be in the hands of the people. There’s just one tiny little problem with that… If you want to let people decide whether they’re happy with gay marriage, then, just allow it. Those who want to get married can do so and those who don’t can go give a surmon about it instead. People who live in the stone age and dislike allowing others to do what they want with their own lives might want to consider a career in a totalitarian regime – there are positions opening up all the time in the Middle East these days.


Arrogant Worms

May 28th, 2006

So I went along to the Arrogant Worms concert in Southampton last night. It was a real blast – fun music, cool crowd. I sat on a table with a bunch of cool cats from the Isle of Wight who are almost as into the band as I am. We knew the lyrics to every track (which I think surprised the band, despite an apparent fantastic reception elsewhere in the UK) and the others had even brought a tub of vaseline with them – there’s a silly song about Celine Dion that has a line about it, was funny when they actually did sing that song. The band took my request to sing the Last Saskatchewan Pirate and finished up with that, after being asked for the usual encore.

I stayed in a Premier Travel Inn. Typical mediocrely-bad British hotel experience – disgustingly bad breakfast (that they charge you 7GBP for – worse than the Westernized breakfasts I had in Mumbai) comprised from stoggy mushrooms, baked beans and almost-reasonable egg, with yesterday’s croissants and finished up with reheated coffee.
