Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Willfully violating the second law of thermodynamics…again.

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

Photo: AC unit in the lounge.

So as it turns out, one AC unit isn’t enough. Sure, it’s enough to cool the bedroom, but that just means I want to stay in there all day long, unless I leave the apt. And this isn’t a good thing. So, I’ve bought another unit for the lounge…not a huge energy wasting one, but enough to take the humidity away.

Now I’ve got two rooms covered, there’s just the spare room to go (I don’t care about air conditioning the bathroom, kitchen, or my closets). I’m tempted to buy another unit at some point for those times when I’m working in there (it’s my study in winter…seems to be a room ‘o’ crapjunk in the summer so far) or when I have people staying over. Thing is, that doesn’t really happen often enough to justify buying yet another AC unit, at least this week, at any rate.


Willfully violating the second law of thermodynamics

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

Photo: AC unit in the bedroom.

So I gave in and bought an AC (UK: aircon, UK: air conditioning) system for my bedroom. I had a couple of nights of 80F+ (that’s 27C in sensible units) with high humidity that served to convince me I valued good sleep over an occasional indulgence in additional energy consumption.

I fitted a unit to my bedroom window, sufficiently rated for the bedroom, and actually also able to take the humidity/temperature edge off the rest of the apartment…while not being so excessive that I feel tremendous guilt at the energy consumption – let’s not forget that much of the US lives in the stone age and gleefully digs up non-replaceable coal for power. I am fortunate that a large amount of the North East’s power comes from nuclear (not “nucear”, but actually nuclear) and hydroelectricity – courtesy of the Quebecois Canadians.

Phase change-based heat pump technology hasn’t really changed a lot since it was first invented for refrigeration, although the overall efficiency of air conditioning systems has increased somewhat in the interim. My entry level system cost under 150USD (UK: 75GBP) and comes with a remote control and all of that jazz. It’s not as quiet as the documentation might have you believe, but it is able to extend my AC coverage from the office, car, and into my home also.

All those years growing up, we’d criticize the “Americans” for having “their” AC systems, in our naive British sense of the world – one in which a hot day or a “torrential storm”, or even a “lot of snow” has some meaning many of those in the outside world quietly (or not so quietly sometimes) laugh at. Well, if that makes me one of “them”, so be it. I am now actually able to sleep without lying for hours in a sauna.


Dude. Where’s your iPhone?

Monday, July 9th, 2007

So, people keep asking me where my iPhone is, or when I’m getting one. The truth is, right now, I’m not certain I will get one. I finally tried one out for the first time today…and I’m unimpressed. Apple have crippled it, and they’ve missed out obvious hardware, like the de facto GPS chipset everyone else and his dog has in their cellphone these days.

The iPhone is smaller than people like to rant about. Truth be told, it would fit nicely in my pocket (though I’m sure it would also be scratched *all* over in no time at all…definitely would require dedicated storage), and it’s not much bigger than my current cellphone…while distinctly thinner. But really, Apple, you’ve cripped it – it’s useless as a mobile device unless one can add software to it. I can’t see my terminal, my VPN client, all of these things – I’m sure some of these are present, but I sure as heck can’t add whatever I think is missing to it after the fact.

So, I will wait until it’s a bit cheaper, then get one to take apart and break beyond all repair in the name of undoing the crazy restrictions. It’s a frigging phone…just a phone…it’s not as if people can’t “restore” it, like they already can with the iPod (and, I’m sure you can with the iPhone anyway…Apple would be silly not to have a factory restore option) so I’d have taken the gamble and let people add apps to it. The real problem is, of course, that Apple don’t want you to screw around with it.

My iPhone will await a price reduction, then it’ll have an appointment with a screwdriver, and a BDI2000.


A weekend in Provincetown, MA

Sunday, July 8th, 2007

Photo: Commercial Street, in Provincetown, MA.

So I drove down to Provincetown, MA, on Friday night, with a friend of mine. We stayed in a lovely beachfront property right off the 6A highway, and I enjoyed seeing the Pilgrims’ first landing place, first hand.

We left Boston later than planned, as I had to get my car pre-insurance pre-inspection pre-pointless pre-photos taken at an auto shop (UK: garage) and decided I wanted to do that before going on another trip. But even leaving at 5pm wasn’t too bad as it turned out (the traffic on the two lane highway could have been much, much worse than it was) and we got into Provincetown, right on the tip of the Cape in time to enjoy the remainder of the provincial evening.

On Saturday, I headed downtown to visit Commercial Street, visit some galleries, have my protein juice smoothies, and some lunch. I saw some fantastic works of art, and enjoyed the highly colorful, highly tolerant atmosphere that P-town really represents. I was thinking about getting someone a birthday present, but decided the subject matter might be a bit too “liberated”. I did, however, pick up a very silly coffee sign for my office that my colleagues will likely whole-heartedly agree with me on.

Before we left Provincetown, we watched the sunset over the ocean – this is the only place on the East Coast where you can really experience a sunset, now all I need to do is find a good sunrise location on the West Coast that is similarly against the grain, and watch that too ;-) A visit to Plymouth Rock was obviously in order on the way home – sure, it was dark by then, but that didn’t matter – in order to complete the weekend Pilgrimage in some kind of style.


GPS purchasing choice – TomTom One

Friday, July 6th, 2007

So after much indecision, I finally decided that I should buy a TomTom over the Garmin offerings. Both companies have openly embraced Embedded Linux, but TomTom has an established history, whereas Garmin have no currently shipping units running a Linux kernel, as of this writing (apologies to the wonderful folks at Garmin, of whom I met more last week at the Linux Symposium). Note that this is the most logical way to choose any device, when your name is jcm. Anyone else would probably go on product reviews, functional benefits, or similar…but I’m far from “normal” :P

I decided that I like the idea of not having moving parts, having a standard flash based platform, with additional media slots, and a built-in backup battery (so it won’t reset the moment the ignition is turned off…unlike my friend’s Garmin unit). I also like the idea of playing with OpenTom, once I get to the point that I have a fundamental need to break a perfectly functional gadget and turn it into an expensive paperweight. I decided not to buy the more expensive model with the hard drive and global maps, because, really, I’m probably only going to use this unit in North America. And if I do take it traveling overseas…well, it’s an Embedded Linux device… :-)

The fact that they standardized on 5V USB is a nice addition. This gives me a free 5V power outlet adapter for the car – I still need to buy a 120W inverter (I’d go higher, but the outlet is only rated for 120W from the looks of the Mazda specifications). I’ll use this as a stop gap until the weather gets so shitty that I don’t feel like driving like a crazy, essentially suicidal, New England driver in the winter and start doing an Andrew on the car wiring (taking it all apart and eventually putting it back together again…in my case with a replacement audio system and various other very non-standard modifications). Finally, the unit features a very reliable GPS mutli-channel antenna, with WAAS too (the precision flight approach system-wide ground-station augmentation to GPS), that even works inside my apartment, away from the window, with the window blinds drawn. A far cry from my decade old Garmin 12XL then “state of the art” GPS :-)

Did I mention that I like the car just a little bit? And did I mention that the roads around here are so crappy that driving in winter is going to be a test of nerve? Because I can see that it will be. The roads between here and Westford are bad enough in summer as it is :-)


P.S. I decided to skip the GPS theory discussion, but you can just obviously see that I wanted to include a little rant about the Clinton-era GPS blackouts and the general flakiness of the whole system…saved for another time, perhaps on a day the whole network falls apart for lack of replacement birds and everyone wonders why their sat-nav, failed. Random fact: I once dated a girl who was born on the GPS epoch, which was a very convenient way to remember the date…no I didn’t tell her :P

module-init-tools is moving

Thursday, July 5th, 2007

I’m moving various bits over to at the moment – first up is module-init-tools. I’ll push out a new update this week.


Declaring my independence

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

Photo: Jon Masters, as Captain America.

So I thought I’d take this opportunity, on the 4th July itself, to declare my intention for independence from the United Kingdom. For many years now, I’ve grown more and more unhappy with the direction in which the UK is heading, and I’ve reached a point where I want out. There are many places in Europe and elsewhere that I feel comfortable and could live, but the UK is not one of them – it’s a nice place to visit, but that’s as far as I want to go. I can’t entirely explain it, it’s a feeling, one that has taken many years to lead to such a decision. And not one I made lightly.

I love what the United States of America represents, and I love being there. Really. Sure, there are many issues with the current government, many I expect to be addressed following the 2008 elections, but I feel more free here than I ever did in the UK. The US doesn’t intrude on your every day life to the same extent as the UK (yes, I seriously believe that), there aren’t cameras on every street corner, and you don’t have to ask permission before wiping your ass, using some kind of British ID card.

It’s always a personal decision when you decide to adopt a new nation as your homeland, but for me, nothing feels more natural than to be in North America. I might not always be in the US, but I love it here.

Happy 4th July to everyone!
