Inspirational Thinking Rules

So I got an interesting email from someone who reads my blog – in particular my articles on project “Brave New Jon” have apparently been inspirational, in part because I’ve made a large number of life adjustments in a short space of time. Actually, there’s a lot more to Brave New Jon, but that’s still to come :-)

“Brave New Jon” began as a means to distract myself but it’s become so much more. I mean, for example, I was in the gym again this evening at midnight – something that used to be highly unlikely but I’ve done it twice in a week. This project doesn’t have a definitive end point, though I can say that I expect to be at least 60lbs down on where I was, radically more physically fit than I was, far more active and a lot more that I may mention later. Essentially, I engaged in extensive introspection and identified everything I consider to be a personal failing, then came up with an action plan to address everything at once. It’s encouraging that I’m inspiring others to do likewise.


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