Things Todo

So today I officially signed a book contract, which is about to eat away at all of my spare time over the next 8 months. But hopefully, it’ll be worth it, my vanity will appreciate me more for it, and I’ll be able to say “give me a job in Canada” to more random people with some kind of credible justification. So, goodness. I enjoyed calling up FedEx to have that particular wodge of paper expressed over to the other side of the pond – hopefully I’ll be other there myself in a couple of months when my co-authors are about. I won’t go into the details here but suffice it to say that I will likely make it known when you can actually go and buy this thing at some point in the future. This would be one of the reasons that I am about to become a US Taxpayer – I need to acquire an ITIN as an external non-citizen author for this work. Should be very educational.

I’ve never written a book of this length before so I’m looking forward to it with some sense of trepidation and lot of excitement (that kind of youthful excitement one can have) but mostly hoping I get off my arse and actually stick to deadlines I set for myself and my co-authors. I have some excellent friends helping me on this already (and if I didn’t already talk to you about it don’t assume that I’m not going to) – my main area on this is in the lower level stuff so I’ve got a few people helping out with the higher level, more abstract stuff that I know less about.

Also did some judging for some awards and had a good old conversation with a few people I’ve not spoken with in a while. Sorted out some advertising for a friend and generally tried to do nice things as much as I could while living with some other more general irritations that I won’t ellaborate upon much here.


One Response to “Things Todo”

  1. Tom says:

    Hey Jon, good luck with the book. I don’t think you’ll have any problems getting a Linux job in Canada:

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