
[ from the such-a-wonderful-thing dept. ]

There once was a jcm,
who liked to drink coffee.
He drank it all day,
and withered away,
poor caffeinated jonny.

Someone’s playing loud music again. Solution is coffee and Sennheiser headphones with A-Ha Superior Techno Remix playing loudly to mask bass.

I suppose I will be tired in the morning, but right now I have coffee. I’ll have coffee in the morning too, and that can only be a bad thing – but I will have coffee and that’s that. Mmmmmm….coffee. Coffee. Coffee!

You want to buy Boaters Hazelnut flavoured coffee

It’s amazing how much shit you can get mixed up over, given enough time. This book very nicely explains how hardware multipliers/dividers actually work – and that is a good thing, since I seem to be hazy on some of the details. Not that it actually matters to what I’m doing but it is interesting and reading certainly beats trying to get to sleep in the present climate :-)

Nice explanation of non-restoring division through an example implementation of division (sufficently vague that I had to leave the room and escape from the thudding on the floor above to consider it for a few moments – the never ending bass from above is enough to stop all rational thought processes at this time of day).

I should warn everyone that I am in one of my Nottingham moods today – one of those “why the fuck do I bother staying here?” moods. I could easily have taken a fantastic job over the summer and not have to stay and deal with the kind of beurocratic bullshit I have to deal with…sigh. Someone offer me a similar job today and it’ll get very strong consideration indeed. :-)

Finally, note that Microsoft Exchange is a stupid piece of shit. This we all knew anyway, but it’s especially true now. It sucks hard from both a user and Administration point of view – I just spent too long doing something that would have been trivial with exim.


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